
Watching Veges Grow

We received this cool gift way back in Jan from "aunt" Toni.
We've been waiting for the perfect time to break it out!
Toni is coming to visit in 2 weeks, won't it be great for her to see it!

So the dirt came in these freeze dried circle things, kinda weird.
We added water and they fluffed right up.
I guess if it works for instant potatoes, it can work for dirt too!?!

The next few steps with seeds and dirt in the middle
of the kitchen involved all hands on deck, so no pics.
But here is the finished project.  We will let it grow
in the sunlight and show you the progress later!

Poor Joe is struggling with a bite inside his ear. 
We've treated with with H2O2 and cortisone...bless his heart
it is still a little itchy today!