
Summer Afternoon with Friends!

After IU camp on Monday, we kept all the kids
and Blake brought her crew too (Jaelyn, Isabelle and Joe)
and our group was complete and ready for FUN.
We stopped at Steak and Shake for lunch.
Had a lot of fun hearing their conversations.

It was raining when I left Bton, but I was happy to see sunshine and rain free skies when we got home
so that we could spend the afternoon outdoors. 

Oh my if I could have bottled up the giggles and laughs while we piled in for this picture.
Memories I won't forget, especially when this slide of healthy children began to cave.
Oh, my it was so worth it...and it popped right back into place.
The cardboard at the bottom was to save muddy feet from going back into the pool!

And we enjoyed some late afternoon snacks, basketball style with some 
funfetti cookies made by Blake, Jaelyn, Isabelle and Joe while the others were at camp

 We were missing a couple of Sam's classmates, hope they can make next one.
It was a lot of fun though!
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