
Middle School Tennis

We started the middle school tennis season the 2nd week of school
Sam was looking forward to his 8th grade season.
Joe was able to join in 6th grade since he has done summer tennis.

Look at our big tennis player.  I really enjoyed watching him play and look forward to other seasons to see him get better and better.  I was impressed by how much he knew about the game.
Scoring, changing sides, calling in and outs - he did great with singles but preferred doubles with Pax this year.

Sam played mostly singles, does not prefer doubles at all, ha.
He improved tremendously this year.  
He even had a couple matches where he played 3 singles on varsity.

Loved watching this group play - they did very well all season.

These pics were at Dubois - we won and both boys played 2 matches and won 2~