Pure teen. And someday I’ll Cherish the pic maybe not the phone but...
Bits and pieces of days that make December so rich and full!
Joe can’t resist checking out crafts if they are out! Love that.
Lots of devotions spoke to me in the busy season. Remaining focused on the blessings and reason for the season instead of the busyness and overendulgment is important!! Love these nuggets that help me accomplish this!
Shaylee and I sent a selfie to Grandma from church since we matched.
Our church was so simply decorated but so beautiful this Christmas - this snow globe was my very favorite.
I had a snow globe collection at one point in my childhood and these take me back to the magic of those!
The state of my kitchen counter on a busy day off! We packed a lot into the December days and nights.
Lots of sweet treats over the holidays at work. Dan and I did really well until vacation, but we are getting back in track!
Sunday school party and activity
Nativity with a fresh blanket of snow❤️
Evidence that my child isn’t the only one who wears shorts to school in December! Lol
Sam was so excited for candy canes - not mint of any sort. He took several boxes to school to share and some to the youth party.
Homemade low carb Ice cream - it needs a little work but not terrible!
I helped Scott and Chris decorate for Cole and Taylor’s homecoming! Love
I found this app and made a picture for Sam and Jaelyn!