
Fun with Eggs

Wasn't it a beautiful Good Friday.
Such a way to celebrate the victory Our Lord has over the grave.
And there is no better way to spend an evening than with 7 sweet, full of energy kids!
We went to my brother's house {he snuck out somewhere with my other brother, hmmmm}
to dye Easter eggs and have some fun!
What a good lookin group!
Who decided to start the night by entertaining us with some Wii dance/band moves

and then after some coaxing back inside because
playing tag is what really should have planned for this evening due to
it's gorgeousness(that should be a word)
dyed Easter eggs
{this is where the pics are sparse b/c there were 14 little hands you remember}

But in all honesty the biggest mess was made by the mamas who were determined to make those plastic sleeve things that come with the eggs work.
In the microwave, those things get hot.
I must say the sleeve worked.
And the eggs turned out beautiful.

So we decided to hide and hunt them

Didn't they line up all perfect and nice.  That was so planned.

At this point we cannot find 2 of our 22 eggs.
We finally gave up only to realize that Booker (aka doggy) liked them as he grabbed one out of a basket right in front of us and began crunching.  I am guessing there was some doggy tooting at 3 am last night...
Sam's face when he realized that he had found this egg...