

Back to the Jam Packed Weekend...
It started with these sweeties on Saturday morning EARLY when
their daddies decided to go fishing early.
Their mama {hanna, my friend and coworker} was working
but she made breakfast to send along for all of us to enjoy, yummy!

I was certain that all the kids would be lazy all morning, but that was not the case
We were up and going at 645am, making cupcakes by 8am.

We decorated and ate them later in the day.

Elle who was so funny.
She reminds me so much of her mama.
And made me think all day about how I miss seing her daily
(since I moved locations)

We played out side around 10am

Played a ton of soccer. All four of them
Good thing it was a big back yard!!

This kid, Mr. Colton
is going to be a heartthrob - i mean take a look at this sweetness.

I loved how these kids just embraced each other all day
and played as if they see each other daily.

Yeah, she's got some sassiness.

We went on a long nature walk and picked up treasures to make

That did not float,but made for lots of laughs!
Like the belly kind of laughs, so worth it!

We made pigs in a blanket for lunch

And then spread peanut butter on pinecones

And rolled them in birdseed.

To make very special birdfeeders.

And then {for me} it was quiet time.
And quiet it was... for a short while until our afternoon guests arrived.

Dave and Hanna,
Thanks for sharing your kids with me today.  What a sweet treat.
It was fun watching our kids play together!!  Can't wait to add the new one to the mix!