
Brave at Eight

To my 8 year old:
There are so many things that you, my sweet 8 year old have taught me,
but the one that sticks with me over and over is being brave.
You are brave.
You still prefer the closet light on while you sleep,
but other than that, oh so brave.
You have been brave.
Brave at each stage,
 from coming to a new country and trusting us from the start,
 to taking your first steps in your own time,
to starting Sunday school and preschool
and trying new sports,
and learning new things.
You have taught me about being brave.
Much braver than I have been thru life.
I am always cautiously there in case you need a boost,
but you step right in a try and I love that.
Some might not know your brave, you are quiet to most.
You observe a lot and you enjoy alone time.
I love the boy that God has created you to be.
I hope to always encourage and offer things
so that you can find your passion.
I love being your mom.

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