
2 years old

My little man, my Christmas day baby, is 2 years old. I almost cannot get my mind around that!
Sam, everyday with you is a new and fun adventure. I think that each stage with you is better than the last. Right now you are so curious about things are starting to figure things out. Of course, I think you are very smart and of course are hands down the most handsome boy on the block (Joe's block is in Guatemala, so that is fair!)
At 2:
-You can tell mama the colors in the Mo Monkey book
-Say your ABC's with the leap frog magnet toy
-Say please (peassss)
-Do wooden puzzles
-Love trains and blocks
-Love junk food and cartoons and pop!!!
-Tease mama about your age (I say 2, you say 1)
-Pull the kitchen chair over to help mama with the dishes
-Help pick up the toys
-Love the Christmas lights - oh, ma, pretty, wow are things you say
-Read books to yourself
-Turn TV, radio, etc off
-Throw things in the trash (I have found a few things here!!!!)
-Bring me your bathtub (still bathing on the kitchen counter, only a shower at Poplar St)
-Fall asleep on your own after a bedtime book and prayers
-Give the best hugs and kisses
-Still melt my heart with just one look!
We will celebrate Sam's birthday with a big bash after we get moved into our new home! Happy Birthday, Baby