
Sites in Jasper

We spent the morning in Jasper.
We go to Jasper a lot, mostly for Walmart or the pediatrician.
Today we went to take is some of the sites.
We stopped to see the Spirit of Jasper, hoped to find out that we could ride it sometime.
But, I am not sure, need to do a little more research.
Sam loved lookig at the arrival board. But everything else was closed up
we went to visit our family at the Farmer's Market

We scored some much needed water
some cucumbers, green peppers and onions
Everything they had looked yummy.
And it was fun to see my Aunt Lucille's scale
working hard
It is one of my SIL Shannon's prized possessions and I am sure
Lucille would be glad!!
We crossed the bridge to play at a park, wasting time until the demonstation a the Grist Mill
I love these things, so large and useful.
And this was great today, it sprinkled us with a cool shower!
The boys favorite part of this was the penny candy.
Well, a nickel.  But it was heaven for them
20 pieces for $1.  They loved it.
We settled for lunch at Subway.
Home to mow, swim in a bit!