
Cooler Snow Days

With DH's job change, this winter's snow days have been spent more with daddy.
Snow days with daddy are way cooler.
They just are.
He has a tractor. 
How do I compete with that?
I mean I had spray bottles with paint.
Wow, I know, I need to ramp it up a bit.

Almost one week later, and this snow plus 4 more inches are still here.
We are still on delays at school because our county roads are still covered in ice/snow.
The boys enjoyed 5 straight days off school (weekend included).
Saturday after work, I was itching to get into the snow action, so we
squeezed in some snow play between work and WB Christmas party.
So worth it.

These smiles and squeals.
They drowned out my nerves (yeah they were in full swing, mama bear wasn't sure about this event)

 These poor cats have not been too happy, blame them? Look how deep it is!
It's not a stackable snow so we carved a snow man out

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