
When Plans Are Changed...

The last day of school we were scheduled to head south
to the condo for a few days...but Tropical Storm Alberto
was threatening to turn into a Hurricane so we elected to stay home.
We agonized over the decision for 2 days, thought if we pushed it back to Saturday morning
the forecast might look better, but it looked worse.
It appeared that we would have heavy rain the whole trip and worse possible
dangerous weather and flooding.  We haven't had a trip cancelled yet, so I would
 say we have been very lucky.  

Did some praying and ran across this when we had decided it was best to stay home.

Joe had a friend over to play while we were still deciding for certain, ha!
It was scheduled to be a short trip and my heart is sad that we missed it.

Some one came out for target practice

The target.

We grilled up some hot dogs, yum!
He's becoming quite to grill master/cook.
We are going to need to work on the clean up efforts.

Nothing better than a grilled hot dog and lemonade!

We headed to our friends Greg and Lela's for a fire that night.
Golf cart rides are a hit at their house.

Sweet summertime!