
Time Lab VBS || Berea

We had a great week at our Time Lab VBS
at Berea this week!

D'Andrea and I taught a very fun 6th grade class and had  big group all week.
We did our best to teach each days material and bible concept mixed
with a bit of fun for each night.

We talked about a mix of topics all week from Answers VBS Time Lab

We started the first night and this rope was talking about creation and the beginning of time
then we did a simple group challenge of making the rope form a square with blindfolds

 Pretty darn good Sam and Isaac
 We played a couple get to know you games. This one was down down down.
Miss the ball and you go down on one knee, two knees, one elbow, etc.
They thought it was too hard, ha.

We had craft lab every night, these teachers put their heart in it.
Little bible concept intro each night and then a craft - very fun!

And this big kid - we had fun all week - we wore
bandannas for our classroom color but we had extra each night
so we had all sorts of colors - most of them enjoyed wearing them
in all sorts of ways.

Bible version of heads up - tons of genuine laughs.
This group is ultra competitve.
We have a mix of 3 competing schools in this group.
It is VERY good for them to interact in this environment.
Be on the same team, laugh together and learn about God's promises.

We had 10-13 most nights, loved that!

We did a secret message water color reveal one night
about the message from our lesson.
Forever Receive

More games because this preteen age has a lot of energy
and they were chatters - it's an age where it could be too childish
if we stuck solely to the script from the book.

This was a out of the water version of Marco/Polo
We used the words Admit/Believe 
It was harder than it looked.
Lots of laughs though.

Last night we had pop and Heavenly Bingo
for prizes.

And finally a night without rain so we could go outside.
Our attendance all week was up because there was rain, thank the Lord!
I had made giant bubbles (weird for preteen/teens but they loved it)
who doesn't love bubbles if they are honest?!

There was no breeze so the bubble didn't float off the wands like in my practice at home,
but we laughed and made messes of ourselves as the bubbles popped on our black shorts.
All washable since I made the solution at home - they were a hit.

Here's a couple pictures of our VBS room, we used our old crib mattress for extra seating with crates (it needed a 3rd crate) - kept it comfy and interactive for the young people!