
Last Golf Match 2019

Sam finished up his golf season at the end of May.  His coach updated Twitter
throughout the season with the Team's progress.  I captured a couple posts.

And it doesn't matter but I'm the mom and it's my blog:
I think their record seemed way better than that. 
 The regular season matches they won all but one. 
The tournament at Bedford is where 11 losses(and a few of the wins) came in - 
ya know, just cause that is the way I want to remember it, ha!

The last night was Sam's personal best at Boggs.  Grandma
was there to see him play for the first time.  Dad was farming.
He shot a 43.  

Our reader was along for the ride.  Picture perfect spot!

Drinks and cupcakes for their last meet.

Tweet from the principal.  His coach watching on.

And a typical teenage selfie for mom.  (showing off his icee I am sure).