
The Empty Seat

In the middle of May while the boys were away at school,
I got a tractor date with my guy.
It wasn't in the plans and my morning was full, but this text 
had me asking which field he was in!

It was a beautiful sunny day, (turns out it was one of few since then, too)
so I jumped in and we talked life while we disced(that is not a word) rows.

This field is right across from Boggs golf course, so I hopped off
and picked up 20 golf ball for Sam to hit for practice. There are hundreds more!
They are a lot easier to see from up top, ha!

It has proven to be a very challenging spring for the farm.
Friday marked the end of planting (finally). The middle of June is very late, generally done by middle to end of May.  It is still wet and more rain is coming.  We are thankful for safety thru the planting season and prayerful that the seed takes root!