I have worked for a great company for 6.5 years. I have had a great job and really liked my job since I began with the company, I love the people I work with...so why would I make a change? Well, they made me a better offer. I will be managing a pharmacy in my hometown, closer to home...with better hours. Now, of course I am estatic and the opportunity to serve my hometown, a town I really love. I am thrilled to be home every evening with my family and off every Sunday. I won't have a drive to work, and I will still get to work with great people. But, I have friends ,not just coworkers, that I won't see almost everyday anymore. I am saddened by this. This change for me is bittersweet.
God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.
We have been working hard at our new store by cleaning, setting displays - yep, see those red totes, we unloaded and unpacked 350 of those yesterday, and tomorrow - we will set those empty white shelves with almost 1000 drugs...in some assemblance of order. There are a lot of unknowns with my new job. I feel prepared to manage this location, this company has given me the confidence to do this. And by God's grace, this change will become a place where I can make new friends and serve new patients!