Poor Baby Joe. It started Saturday afternoon. Poor guy would cough so hard that he would get sick. But it wasn't that often and he played like a champ in between. Sunday at church he got sick so we left early and came home. He wouldn't nap alone so we put him in bed with Sam, worked like a charm. We had our youth group at our house last night (had and awesome time, we played back to school bingo and some crazy circle finger game). Joe fell asleep even though there were some 25 crazy loud kids here...that was our 1st real clue...
At 2am he woke us up and I brought him to our bed. He had very short shallow breaths, a fever, and his heart was racing. I couldn't sleep with this helpless litlle soul in bed beside me, so off to the ER we went. Turned out to be a much needed trip. Our ER is great, they were not busy and with the help of a couple breathing treatments and some steroids...Joe is playing around again this morning. Poor little man, but what a champ...he wants to be held but is so brave. Please pray with us that God continues to heal his little lungs.