
Tie-Dye Shirts!!

When I blog pics from my phone they have a mind of their own!!
I had my phone out the night we tie dyed tshirts. 
 Wanted to document the process in case we do it next year!
How cute are these VBS snacks!  

Sweet Shaylee

I set up 3 stations.  They came here first 3 crews at a time (5-6 kids per crew)
If I knew their size (from preregistration) I gave that to them, if not we selected their size.
Adults helped most tie the shirt with rubber bands.
We did this one of the nights during Imagination Station Time
We could not get one of the gadgets to work and the theme of the night was
Even if you are different...Jesus Loves You.
Perfect? I know right!!  God provides!
We had 22 minutes with each group that came thru and we had time left over where our 
station leader transitioned into reinforcing the lesson using the original material from that evening.
So...it was smooth!!
Last year my boys did 2 big crafts during VBS and they are still items we treasure (as opposed to 5 small crafts).  We were hoping the tshirts would be the same!

 Then onto the dipping station when leader Lynette had a brainstorm.
Each shirt was clipped with a clothes pin and the child held
the other end of the string. This kept their sizes and ties individual!

The shirt was placed in a gallon zip lock bag and the kids
took them to the dye station.
Dye squirted right into the bag and it was zipped shut.

Each crew leader took the shirt for their whole crew and then
passed them back out as kids were leaving for the night...
each received instructions for rinsing and washing the shirts at home!

Sam's crew.  I caught Miss Lydia rubbing Sam's back one night.
Pretty sure she is now on his forever good list.

I was impressed with the ease of the process, the kids were excited and were so proud when
they could wear their own shirts.  
Improvements for next year:  more rubber bands...they did not send us enough!!
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