We fit in a full week of evening VBS at Berea at the start of June.
I taught the 6th grade group and had some awesome help
from my friend April and DH!
I had all boys which was right up my alley.
The Answers in Genesis material was VERY GOOD.
Loved the theme and material this year.
I was greatly challenged by one lesson about the Tower of Babel and who people scattered from there essentially creating our race/culture system. Totally fascinating!
Great group all week.
Science/Craft was their favorite all nights
Did a homemade scavenger hunt the last night for hearts with
bible verses that fit our theme. I created the hunt using foreign words.
They really enjoyed it!
Just like always I tend to go into things with a plan of what to expect and what limits are to be expected. I should know better, I mean God ALWAYS exceeds those expectations! I received blessing after blessing this year. One big blessing the form of a quiet student who was engaged all week an even answered questions the last night! Sweet victory in Jesus!