
Covid 19|| Pharmacy Life

Pharamcy during COVID 19 is tough.
It's been rewarding and tiring
and a bit terrifying.
It's exhausting and exasperating. 
I had a customer laugh at me for wearing a N95 mask and gloves
 on Saturday.
There are few licensed individuals in any given community
 that can legally dispense life saving drugs.
Need insulin? Or heart medication or seizure medication? 
You need a healthy pharmacist.
So chuckle if you please and think we are overreacting -
 I hope we are, I hope we never REALLY NEED  the masks -
 I hope because we are wearing them that we never truly knew the threat.
I'll continue to protect myself from the public who doesn't always use their best judgment 
or needs to stop by for medication. 
 I'll shower at night and wash my clothes every shiftt.as soon as I get home
to limit my family's exposure.
Most of our customers are thankful and patient and we are so grateful to care for them.
Our staff is the best.  We are in this together.


And the farmer came thru BIG time when he brought us some N95 masks from the farm
for us to use due to the shortage.
It's uncharted and unprecedented. I have not ever seen anything like it.
But, we will rise to this challenge too.
And Kenny Rodgers died - only 10 can attend funerals with the new rule.
We rocked Masks and Kenny on Saturday.