Our initial doctor visit went well. Joe has a clean bill of health. He did have a low grade fever, doctor thinks it is just a bug that will pass. Welcome to the US and our germies little Joe! My turn to brag, Joe is in the 35% for weight and 65% for height. The appointment was almost over and the doctor hadn't mentioned his size at all. He seems like such a little pea to me that this was one of my concerns. His doctor laughed at me and told me that Joe was perfect, he said my view of size has been skewed by big brother Sam. Joe seems like such a little pea to me (to quote fellow blogger Steph), but oh so precious. Sam did so well and helped mama out a lot today. Both boys got a flu shot, Sam was so brave. He did cry, but then lost all sight of himself when Joe beagn to wail. We were leaving and he gave the nurse a high-five and said that wasn't so bad.....