
Celebrating New Years in the Jungle

We spent New Year's Eve at Sarasota Jungle Gardens.
What a great place for kids our children's age.
It is a quaint place that rescues unwanted pets, etc.

The flamingos were my favorite part.
They are so beautiful.
Did you know they stand on one leg?
So curious.

Feeding these fish was Joe's favorite part.

The lemeurs were very active.

They like to move it, move it...

Then we watched a crocidile show...yikes.
If you get caught by one on land, run in a straight line.

If you are in the water, pray, they are faster than us.
they can swin 20mph, Michael Phelps swims 5 mph...

Then it was time for Sam's favorite part- the bird show.
This bird is 73 years old...and did this very trick on the Ed Sullivan trick!

Did you know that some of these birds (the larger varities) need 8-10 hours of interaction a day!!!
Yep, otherwise, they can have self destrucive behavior such as chewing their feet and plucking out their feathers that don't grow back.

It was rewarding to see some birds that had been rescued and had lost these destructive tendencies.

and then it was on to dinner at
Phillipe Creek Oyster Bar

Lots of yummy seafood.

and then even though we had a party to attend {wink}
we spent the night at the house we stayed at with our boys.
See daddy in the background?
He went deep sea fishing while we were at Jungle Gardens.
He took Dramamine - {I gave him the less drowsy}
He was snoring by 8pm, poor guy.
I asked Sam at one point if he thought daddy needed anything...

He said Nope, he just needs to sleep it off...

So Happy Zoo Year to ALL