
Picnic and More!

We got a super new hand-me-down yesterday.
I thought today was a great day to use it.
We began with a stop at the McD and
brought it home for an indoor picnic.
Then fingerpaint.
Loved this.
{except I can't get the container to close again, literally, lol.}

#1 boy really went at it
full force
covered the entire page
{and then some}

And this precious boy...
Went with the minimalist look.
Now, several hours later.
One is dry, one is not.
Give you one guess...

As I thumbed thru the mail today,
I thought the sale ads
would be a perfect cut and paste project for Sam.
Since DH and I are going away for an evening this weekend,
I decided to jam pack this day off.
At preschool, Sam studies a letter each week.
We began by practicing his letter k.
Then we found items beginning with k
to cut out and paste on his paper.
For Joe, I asked him to identify items he would recognize.
We cut these and and pasted them.

If only every day were a day off...
So to my dear friend Kia who gave us this table -
muchos gracias.
We love it, can you tell?