
We have a Teen.

 You see, when you see Sam I know you see this guy.

But, I see this guy.
And when he is proud of something he has done he still looks our way for
approval and gives us that sweet sheepish grin just like the time he was proud
of his 1st preschool ornament in this picture.
It make my heart sing with joy seeing him become this 13th year old boy.
He has done so many things that have made us proud to call him our son.
We keep telling him to keep being him.

He has grown into a tall 5'10'' 13 year old boy who loves pizza, school, basketball, golf, tennis, IU Hoosiers but is beginning to look at PU because he loves engineering, Jr Youth Group, YouTube, Friends, PS4, his phone and his bedroom, oh and Mt Dew - in no particular order.  
He is reserved around others, but if he knows you can make you smile like no other.
His voice is deep, his words are deliberate, and he is fiercely loyal.
He has worked hard this year in school and earned all A's this 9 weeks.
Our prayer is that he continues to seek God's plan for his life and that 
we are guided to be just the parents he needs. 

Since he shares that stage on Christmas day, he still continues to LOVE sharing his day with Jesus,
we allow him to run the show on when the gifts and singing will be!
Shortly after we were done with Christmas gifts, the big birthday box was nagging at him and he asked to open them before breakfast!

A new PS4 game and play station plus - fun times ahead.

A new golf cart!  Aha - he had no idea. It was a surprise for certain.
  It will come in handy next golf season.

He requested pancakes and DH whipped some together.  

That sweet kind smile.

And he also got to talk to Isa, this made his day for certain.  
Excellent birthday memories!