
Sam's 4h Projects 2014

Sam had fun doing his 4H project this year. 
I helped him choose a couple of categories that he would enjoy.
He has a fascination with recycling so he thought that would be a great category.
He chose to make a toy recycled from a Sunny D bottle.

We had to drink the rest of it before we started!
We used one of the ridges around the bottle to mark our cutting point,
this part was easy for Sam to do but not without some nerves from me!

We had some bloopers like this that we covered up with duct tape,
that sticky stuff took all our hands no pics!

We researched our toy a bit, called a bilboquet.  The longer the string, the tougher the game.
Joe had to make one too, had fun all afternoon!
The ball is made of duct tape.

 And Sam's second project was and Aloe plant that he helped me transplant
from Grandpa Great's house a few months ago.  We've been watering it and keeping it near the sunlight.
It is special to us because it is still from Grandma Great's Aloe plant.
She has been gone since 2002, feels like a part of her is still with us.
Sam's first year of Future 4H was fun.  We hope to attend more meetings and learn more this year!
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