
A Fish Story!

Simple Sunday a few weeks ago, before the weather (and the trees) changed!
DH was headed out to fish at the lease and it was Sam's turn to go along.
We've had to wait awhile for the boys to go because it is a long day.
Dan always wants to take them though, if the weather is good.
I love that.
And so did Sam, he came home all smiles and couldn't wait to 
show Joe and I his bucket of fish!

They caught crappie and a couple small bass.
He helped dad clean them and we froze them in water...
we just ate them this week - stayed turned for the mess
DH makes when he makes fish for us...ugh. Seriously,
he even agreed it was a mess.

And a few days later (because DH says pond fish is better after soaked in cold water and salt?!?) 
I trust him becuase it is sooooo good...and I am a picky pete fish eater.
We sat down to enjoy, 
but first we gave thanks to the Lord.
with the prayer that I grew up with...
Bless Us O Lord
for these thy gifts
which we are about to receive
from thy bounty
thru Christ Our Lord

 And, yes I have to gear myself up for this.
DH is not neat in the kitchen.

He makes a mess.  
And when he cooks I clean up and when I cook, I clean up
Something is not adding up here.  I am working on that...15 years later.

That morning at church Pastor Ed had a sermon about David and Goliath - I had kind of forgotten about the message after we came home ate lunch, etc...but Joe came bounding in
asking to make a slingshot, I think he listened to the message...
we did just that and we made and extra one for Sam!
We searched the yard for the perfect stick and used a rubber band with a duct tape pocket.
It was simple and effective and reinforced the message from church that morning!