
CMC - Church Conference Weekend

We got to be a part of our church conference this summer!
It is usually held in other areas and our pastors attend, but it was in Daviess County this year
so local churches  were a part of the hosting committee!
It was quite an undertaking a we only played a VERY small part, but enjoyed it tremendously.
I agreed to be Fireball the Dragon for the kids ministry area.
I was simply hoping to connect with the kids and share the message of Training your Dragon (Attitude) and it was somehow a homerun (only thru God).
The kids were a complete blast and I truly enjoyed playing Fireball for the weekend!

There was some pretty good coffee in the adult area, yum!
I snuck into here a couple time between being Fireball
and also enjoyed the women's speaker.
I also met a fellow mom during a breakout session who asked if she could pray for us as we
raise our boys and it came at such a needed time that weekend.
I love these moments.

The boys joined to kids conference and this guy networked during his lunch at the vendor tables and
came back with full sack of freebies, ha! Oh, and BBQ on his belly.

These kids would chant FIREBALL, FIREBALL for us to come out and do our skit.
It was a HOOT!

My trusty dragon trainer, ever present partner in church skits, SIL Shannon.
We didn't practice at all, but we had willing spirits and a clipboard with our 
script if we needed it and God pulled it all together.
We had a lot of fun!

And if this isn't confirmation...
a junior high age girl from another community shared this piece of artwork
with me as the conference wrapped up.
Melt my heart!  
{She even made me skinny, haha}

What a great experience! I am so glad I said yes!