
One Year No Pop Challenge - Complete!

Joe and I did a one year no pop challenge.
If he completed the challenge, he would earn $100.
We started last year on our birthday and after a month ticked away it certainly became easier.
Mid year, Joe was determined, even beat a battle of stomach flu with no sprite.
Mama did not - I had 3 sprites that battle in December
but jumped right back on!

Toughest times for me were movies with popcorn, long afternoons at the pharmacy where 
a fountain pop would be divine...and pizza with no pop!
But, alas we prevailed.
I was very proud of Joe at times when pop was a reward at school etc, he stayed strong!

And on the morning of his birthday his dad took him to get a fountain cherry dew {with no shirt}

And he chose Dairy Master for his birthday lunch - where he also had a pop.

Mama enjoyed a Pepsi on ice (in a glass cup) - Sam knew how much I 
was looking forward to this and went inside to get me the cup of ice!
It was ahamazing.
You know those folks that tell you that it really doesn't taste good after awhile?
They are liars.

And his last pop of the day during his birthday party.

He reserved one more pop for the next night so he could have 
one at the movies with popcorn.  I don't think he even ate any popcorn,
but he got a refill on that drink.

We snuck in one last movie during the summer.
Christopher Robin (honestly not my favorite, but for sure time well spent)

And we both feel so very good with no pop that we 
have decided to go for another year.
Maybe after that year pop won't taste good, maybe...