
When the Boys Come to Play

When the boys come to play 
you would think they might swim
maybe play whiffle ball...

And they did swim
and laugh and play the color game

And I tried to be a mix of watching them from afar to allow them 
to be [pre]teens and still capture their fun

This [below] is my favorite

They were hard on the Mt Dew

And you might not realize that 2 of them would take off "hunting"
the mama deer that lives in your back yard and the rest would 
watch their friends and laugh belly laughs

 And there would be wrestling moves

 They decided they were hungry and 9 hungry 12 year olds put a big dent in the hamburger nacho bar donuts and cookies that we had out~

And you might not expect that they all wanted to swing Sam's golf clubs,
then chase the balls and while they were chasing the balls
they saw the pond and decided to fish

 4 of them were into fishing

The rest were back at swimming

Until it was suggested that they should swim in the pond.

And so it was, the afternoon in the pond instead of the crisp clean pool in the backyard.
With squeals about the mud and the temperature of the water 
and what's biting me?
and are there turtles? and 
let's chase the ducks!
and there is fiberglass in my belly (from the dock, I warned them)
I was completely entertained by these boys in the pond
parents were asked to come later and the ones who came waited a bit longer
and everyone left with big smiles and 
it was an afternoon well spent.

 All I have to say is poor ducks (who thought they had found a quiet pond) and I counted and recounted heads so many times - I'm a little more confident with kids and a pool, ha!