
Bible Memory Summer Camp

The last full week of summer the boys packed their bags
for 4 days at summer camp.  Well, I should say one (joe) called 
me in his room and his bag looked pretty much like this, list checked off

And the other guy pretty much laid like this while we decided what
went in his bag - oh the differences of kids!  He was particular about a couple of things though and perked up a bit.

And 3 open to close shifts for mama didn't detour DH and I from
taking 2 of those for date nights!  Our first on Tuesday night, we travelled
to Evansville at 7 so we could use my birthday appetizer card, ha!
It was fun.

And Wednesday night we went to Yolanda's Bistro in Washington, yum!

Loved their presentation, food was great.
See that water (out of the glass bottle) it tasted better than
other water *wink - 

And a super treat of Scoops to finish off date night.

Welcome home cards for my boys. I was missing them.

And the best surprise on Thursday when Aunt Polly drove me 
to pick up the boys.  She came in and enjoyed the talent show
and camper awards.  We did some praise and worship music
 and heard about their camp theme.

Joe played his recorder for talent show

Big group of kids this year, over 80.
It was Grandma's last year as camp cook.

Joe and Sam were up for polar bear swim every morning

They were packed up and ready when we got to their bunk.

And they had some DIRTY laundry this time.  It rained for most of the week.
I'm not sure their swim trunks will ever come very clean. They were worn in a mud gaga ball pit.

Polly and I loved hearing all their stories of food and faith and friends from the week.
They had worked hard doing their lessons and learning 32 memory verses to fund their way!
What a time for their to be free from daily distractions, technology and even chores to fully connect with God.  Precious time for them!