
{We have Braces}

We are officially entering the braces faces
at the Graber Household.

This guy was first and they both did great getting them on.
Sam is estimated to be done first...in 1.5 years!! 

Joe will need them a little longer nearly 2 years
and part of the time with an expander.  

Sam chose black band so no on would notice, um okay!

Joe would be fine if everyone would notice, he chose red for the Cardinals.
We have a key for his expander  that we turn nightly.  Just a fun reminder here for years down the road.  And our first night (after he insisted he try a sandwich for supper and the bread was caught in the expander) we cried a bit because were were afraid we were going to starve.
I assured him that {nearly} every kid has braces anymore and none of them have starved.
We also packed a just in case lunch for the first day of school {but he brought it home intact choosing to eat what the school had to offer}.

I love the office we chose because it is in town for our frequent trips
 and because they are so VERY nice.
We are a week in and we haven't forgotten the key (mostly because of Joe's organizational skills)
and we have had minimal pain.  
Loving every stage of life with these boys, and this is one of them!

Also, we will have a faster track on the blog and the brace wire will be off for our next post!