Posted to Yahoo Sept 13
Sam's Uncle Scott had a birthday yesterday. We went to his house to celebrate with him. Blake, Morgan and Cole made him a cheesecake. Polly called and we put her on speaker phone and we all sang happy birthday! Then we all ate cake together. I mentioned that Sam was saying Scott now, he said it last night, and he was a hit!
Prayers go out to my cousin Natalie who is facing a difficult time right now and to my Aunt Polly who is facing a surgery soon.
Dan had a class in Eville for work today so Sam and I rode along. We were strolling thru the mall and passed a small kids ride and Sam said "I ride". Wow! It was very clear - so we rode. I don't resist well! Does anyone else fall the Gymboree gymbuck thing? I got all caught up in it today and spent 10 more dollars once I got to the register -defeats the purpose of saving money,eh? LOL... We went and picked up Dan from his class and ate lunch together at a great Italian place and sat outside - it is a beautiful fall day today!
Still no news on the adoption papers......
14 Clever Ways to Reuse Old Socks
4 days ago