
Surprise Snow Day

We had a surprise snow day already this year.
It wasn't much snow, mainly a layer of ice -it made the gray of winter look very pretty for a bit!

We were all home together for the day so I made biscuits and gravy.
I'm not the best at it,but it is good enough for our crew!

We had some pretty good indications the day before that we were getting severe weather
so our school had prepared for it to be an ELearning day, it worked out very good at our home.
I appreciate that our school is equipped to make this work and not have to make up days.
They certainly did not spend very many hours doing work, so I don't see it replacing school all together!

By 11 the main roads had cleared and we headed to Home Depot to replace a faulty faucet.

I appreciate this handy guy and his many talents. And we completed this
home repair and were still calmly speaking at the end!!! Hooray for grace!

This guy made his famous chocolate chip cookies.

And Joe worked on his robotics programming sheet

And we did some last minute bonus spell bowl studying because Spell Bowl was moved back
for a night due to the snow!

Ended the day playing a vintage game we found at the farmhouse
called Waterworks.  I don't remember ever playing it, but many I've talked to remembered it!

Joe won but I was going to finish on my next turn, boo!!!

Joe started a sewing project, bless him.  Love that he tries over and over
what Grandma has taught him!

New Faucet - Not Leaking so we have hot water again!!