
2nd grade Wonders

I am sure these posts will be all out of whack, but documented none the less!
May is super busy with work trades to accommodate making some baseball games, but I was thrilled 
to be scheduled off for Joe's 2nd grade field trip to WonderLab in Bloomington.
The kids loved the place, explored, played...and were very well behaved.

Joe climbed the grapevine no less than 17 times..haha
But, really, when my crew of 4 boys were in here my job was the easiest.
Funny side note, I surveyed Joe and told him to leave his jacket in his locker b/c I didn't want to carry it the whole time we were there, but when a sweet classmate of his asked me if I would carry his sweatshirt...yep, I carried his the whole time!  Ha, oh the plans we make.

And this crew, Dax, Tye, Anderson and Joe...Mr. Tye's family is moving this summer
these boys will sure miss their friend!

It was warm enough for lunch outside in the butterfly garden and everyone enjoyed that for sure!

Joe and Brody - fun with the parachute.